Youth Leadership 2.0 Program
Our (former) Be Your Best You workgroup redesigned this very respected home grown Tioga County program that gives youth skills to be successful for the future and exposes them to the rich diversity of our local economy. The mission of the Tioga County Youth Leadership Program is to engage youth to discover and enhance their leadership skills and to strengthen their capacity to work proactively to improve their communities. To learn more click HERE or visit us on Facebook.
The Partnership SUD Coalition
This is a large group of first responders, medical system personnel, county leaders, education system personnel, rehabilitation services personnel, and nonprofit leaders who are evaluating the extent of the substance abuse crisis in Tioga County and looking for solutions to support the health of our Tioga County community.
FMI Contact Executive Director, Sue Sticklin: or 570-723-0520
National Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative
The Partnership encourages local participation in federal drug take back events and works to increase the number of prescription drop box locations in Tioga County, Pa. Major local partner: Wellsboro Police Department. See local full time collection sites HERE.
Fiscal Sponsorship
The Partnership recognizes the benefit of the passion, insight, and forward movement grassroots efforts have about local issues. Therefore, we offer advisement and administrative support to groups who are working toward non-profit status.
See our current fiscal sponsorship groups HERE.
Prevention Education - Too Good for Drugs
The Tioga County Partnership employs a prevention educator who contracts with the Single County Authority (Tioga County Drug and Alcohol Services) to offer evidence-based, proven effective prevention programs in the local schools and to summer program children in Tioga County, Pa. The Too Good For Drugs program of the Mendez Foundation is currently being implemented. FMI Contact Coleen Evert: or 570-723-0520.
Children's Health Fair and Family Day
Every year, on the second Saturday in June, the Tioga County Partnership and the Wellsboro Chamber of Commerce hosts a day of free family fun! Dozens of partnering community organizations, individuals, and generous local funders contribute to this successful annual event.
Community Care Initiative Program (CCI)
Shelby Rush is the Program Coordinator for the Community Care Initiative, a new program launched in the Northern Tioga School District Elementary Schools. She is coordinating with partner schools and building a working network of youth serving organization and community volunteers to bring programming to each partner school Monday -Thursday throughout the school year.
FMI on the Community Care Initiative please click link below:
**Who We Are | Community Care Initi (
**CCI Newsletter, Edition 2; Spring Semester 2024 (click here)
Fit For Life (FFL)
FFL is a structured recreation program open to youth Kindergarten-6th grade, free of charge. FFL focuses on healthy physical activity and nutrition. The program is open Monday-Friday, noon-2:30 in four Northern Tioga locations: Westfield, Knoxville, Lawrenceville and Elkland. See the FFL Summer Feeding Flyer 2019 –Read all about Fit For Life in conjunction with the Northern Tioga Summer Feeding Program.
Needs-Based Transportation
The Tioga County Partnership employs a Transportation Coordinator who works with Tioga County Dept. of Human Services, Tioga County Probation, Drug Court, UPMC Wellsboro, and other services to provide those who are eligible with needs-based transportation services.
Learn more HERE.